web design

Web feedback 3
Web feedback 3 150 150 Keeley Middlebrook

I really had no idea how important my website is to my eCommerce business, but dwindling sales triggered my decision to contact Murri Marketing for help and I’m so glad I did! Not only is my new, responsive web design easy-to-use, Keeley gave my brand an identity that’s in line with the high-end products that…

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Web feedback 2
Web feedback 2 150 150 Keeley Middlebrook

Keeley and her team are so creative, professional and easy to work with that they’ve become my go-to marketers.  Sometimes you just can’t see the wood for the trees and Murri Marketing helped me to see that my website was so overloaded with content that visitors found it confusing and difficult to navigate. Thanks to…

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Web feedback 1
Web feedback 1 150 150 Keeley Middlebrook

My company’s bounce rate was so high and I didn’t know how to stop people from clicking away from my website. The Murri Marketing team quickly pinpointed where I was going wrong, helped me to bring my bounce rate down and I immediately started to see a steady increase in conversions.  Thank you!

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